Behavioural Policy Appraisal

Tutor-led in a classroom
Cost benefit analysis (CBA) lies at the heart of policy appraisal in Government and increasingly for the private and voluntary sector too. For CBA to be useful in informing resource allocation decisions, we need to accurately measure all the causal impacts of the policy and to attach a monetary value to them.
Read moreEconomic Statistics

Tutor-led in a classroom
The aim of these half-day modules is to enable students develop a better understanding of economic statistics and its uses in the policy making arena. This includes interpreting and analysing economic statistics while understanding its limitations.
Read moreIntroduction to Quantitative Analysis Using STATA

Tutor-led in a classroom
This two day programme provides a comprehensive introduction to STATA and enables participants to practice application of the issues covered. As a result, delegates will understand (i) the theory behind particular quantitative (mainly econometric) techniques and (ii) how to physically code these into STATA and understand its outputs.
Read moreSocial Value Measurement: Principles and Practice

Tutor-led in a classroom
This two day course provides a comprehensive introduction to the theory and methods of social impact and social value measurement covering the ethics of social value and best-practice methodology and latest research in the field.
Read moreUnderstanding and Applying Econometrics for Policy Evaluation

Tutor-led in a classroom
This two-day course covers a range of econometric evaluation techniques that are used to gauge policy impacts (with a focus on microeconomic contexts). Consideration is given to standard regression-based approaches, instrumental methods, difference-in-differences and matching methods.
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